
int Checkcondition(int code,ulong flags);

80x86 conditional commands have one of the following binary forms:

  0111cccc <8-bit offset> - short conditional jump commands (JNE, JC, ...)
  00001111 1000cccc <32-bit offset> -
long conditional jump commands (JNE, JC, ...)
  00001111 1001cccc r/m8 - set byte on condition (SETNE, SETC, ...)

Given cccc in the 4 least significant bits of the code and the contents of the 80x86 EFL register in flags, Checkcondition() returns 1 if condition is met (jump will be taken or byte set) and 0 otherwise.


(in) 80x86 condition code in the 4 least significant bits. All remaining bits are ignored
(in) 80x86 flags register

Return values:

1 if condition is met and 0 if not

See also:
Assembler and disassembler, Setcondition()