
Here I place colour and highlighting schemes created by OllyDbg users. There is no installer as yet. To install scheme, please do the following:

Important notice: Please keep in mind that my total webspace is limited to 10 MB, so I will be unable to illustrate all your contributions.

First scheme was proposed by Alex from Italy. A nice and calming combination of mostly green text on the black background.
Scheme name[*]=Alex black

Scheme name[*]=Alex black

This one is from Benjamin Peterson. He writes: "As I loved the old Borland C++ IDE, here is a color scheme that gives a
similar feeling..."

Scheme name[*]=Old IDE

Scheme name[*]=Old IDE

Another one is sent by Patrick from France - merci beaucoup, Patrick!

What Patrick wrote: This scheme is derived from the “Mostly black and Jumps’n’calls” scheme. It is intended to make debug sessions as effective as possible by highlighting more information that is usually important (conditional jumps, constants, calls) and less information that is comparatively of little use or very abundant (filling, general registers and memory locations).  

Scheme name[*]=Patrick Black

Scheme name[*]=Patrick Jumps'n'calls

Here is an example showing the CPU register window. The font used is Terminal (height:9, width:6) but really choose the font you prefer or that is best suited to your vision requirements.


More detailed explanations follow:

Thank you, Patrick!